Welcome to our adult swim lessons. Introducing basic aquatic skills and swimming strokes, including the front crawl, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke. For those swimmers looking to improve their proficiency in the six basic aquatic skills and strokes, check out our PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS. ADULT SWIM SESSIONS (Saturday Classes) Winter Date: January 24th-March 30th. Time & Days: 8:00-8:45 AM - Saturdays Ages: 18 year of age and up. Cost: $40.00 / 6 classes Registration: January 29th-February 16th.
Spring Date: April 13th-May 18th. Time & Days: 8:00-8:45 AM - Saturdays Ages: 18 year of age and up. Cost: $40.00 / 6 classes Registration: March 18th-April 5th.
Fall Date: September 21st-November 9th. Time & Days: 8:00-8:45 AM - Saturdays Ages: 18 year of age and up. Cost: $40.00 / 6 classes Registration: August 26th-September 13th. For information contact Mike Ruf