Kick off 2025 year by joining us for its New Year's day 5K on Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Race-Day registration starts at 8:00 AM at the front desk. The 5K starts at 9:30 AM and will start out front of the center. (Upstairs track will be used for inclement weather). Kid's races, on the upstairs track, starts 10:30 AM
Early registration is $20.25 (through November 2nd). Pre-registration (November 4th-December 31st). is $25.00. Day registration is $30.00.
Early and pre-registered 5K runner will receive a long-sleeve tech shirt and a swag bag. Post race refreshments will be served, and unique race medals of etched wood are awarded to the top two finishers overall and each age category, male and female.
Kids' races are FREE, and ribbons will be awarded to all youth participants. Walk-up participants for the kid's races are more than welcome!
Schedule for Race Day: 8:00-9:15 AM - Registration and check in 9:30 AM - 5K race starts 10:30 AM - Awards Ceremony 10:45 AM - Kid's Fun Run Ages 2-4 half lap race Ages 5-7 half lap race Ages 8-10 full lap race Ages 11-13 full lap race Children will need to be registered and ready to go at 10:30 AM right after the Award Ceremony ends. We will organize the children by age groups stating with the youngest first and working up to the older runners.